Matina Jewell

Leadership Strategist & Keynote Speaker

Navigate leadership challenges with clarity and conviction

Matina Jewell

Leadership Strategist & Keynote Speaker

Challenging perspectives and transforming leadership

Workshops & consulting

workshops & Facilitation

Leadership in action for transformation

With fresh perspective and an open-mind, a follow-on workshop allows for a deep-dive, to explore, ‘What could be possible?’.

Matina’s rare ability to facilitate large teams from the stage help interactively explore:

> Thrive Culture

> High Performance Teams

> Resilience and Change

Matina’s online training topics can also be conducted in-person by some of the leading facilitators in Australia, for groups of up to 20.


Matina packed a lifetime of content into two hours.


A unique perspective

Matina helps some of our most senior executives navigate their leadership challenges with clarity and conviction.

Matina brings:

> 15-years military experience and over 10 years advisory experience, at the highest levels in corporate, Government and not-for-profit sectors

> Broad, contemporary perspective from working across a broad cross-section of Australia’s top executives and industries, every week

> Local and global experience, from the front line to the boardroom, often in male-dominate environments

Feel free to reach out to Matina’s friendly team.

Invaluable perspective...



“Authentic, values-based leadership often takes great courage”.


“Resilient people, teams and organisations have the courage to turn challenges into opportunities.”


“Create a purpose-driven culture to help thrive through change.”


“Ensure crystal-clear mission alignment to deliver on the vision.”

Adapting for Success

“Actions-on ‘war game-planning’ to equip for success.”

Empowering Teams

“The 10 mission-critical factors of the highest performing teams.”

Mental Health

"Really knowing your team, as your support may just save a life.”

Performing Under Pressure

“Being pushed outside our comfort zones creates the best opportunities to learn."

Risk Management

"Decision making frameworks that supports risk management at every level, tested in some of the most hostile environments on earth."

Crisis Management

“Planning, practicing and executing with military precision before the crisis.”

High Performance Culture

“Creating a high performance culture that thrives through change.”

Culture & Gender

“Drawing on diversity that naturally exists within your team right now, to build stronger, dynamic teams.”

could your team benefit from matina's unique perspective?

Some amazing companies we’ve had the pleasure to work with.